воскресенье, 24 февраля 2013 г.

K.I.S.S. To Lose Weight

I have scoured the web doing weight loss research and I have found various tidbits of information to be helpful. Here's a list:

1) Research shows that calcium helps to curb cravings.

2) Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss, so watch what you eat,

and get up off that thang and move it.

3) The key to having nice abs is to get rid of the layer of fat on top of them by doing cardio exercise.

4) You actually can eat what you want and still lose weight. The key is moderation.

5) Healthy weight loss takes time, so be patient.

6) Cheating on your diet is good. Pick 1 day of the week, but don't over do it and wreck several days of hard work.

7) Out of sight, out of mind. Keep the junk food out of sight.

8) Taking rest days is essential, but no more than 48 hours. That way

the positive effects of your workouts do not wear off.

9) Find your motivation for losing weight so that when your willpower starts

to stagger, your motivation factor will get you focused and back on track.

10) There will be times when you will give in to the junkfood, or give in to

over eating. The important thing is that you dust your self off and try again.

11) Emotional eater? I personally suggest a food journal. By HONESTLY keeping track of what you eat, it helps you to discover trends in your eating pattern,which allows you to make the necessary adjustments

in your diet.

12) Start a weight loss blog on Myspace.com and invite others to subscribe. Put all your business out on Front Street, and in the process, meet interesting people who have the same goals and interests as you do.

and finally...

13) Keep It Simple Sweetie

See also ways to lose weight fast

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