понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.

Burning Fat - What Happens In Your Body?

The liver is the organ that consume most energy beside the muscles. That makes it an important target for weight loss and for burning fat. While you are resting your liver is the most energy consuming tissue, and it would be a scandal to not use this to lose weight, right? One of the factors that alters the livers ability to burn fat most is alcohol. If you have alcohol circulation in your blood the liver will use the alcohol, instead of fat, as fuel. Although alcohol don't become stored as fat it temporarily shuts down the fat burning process while it is in your blood. Be aware of this and don't drink excessive amounts of alcohol during a diet. One or two glasses of wine two or three times a week is an average dosage since wine, specially red wine has shown very potent protective qualities. It is shown that it lowers the potential risk of cardio-vascular diseases and cancer hence it is a bad idea to exclude it totally.

An important characteristic of the liver is its ability to burn fat for nothing. This means that the liver burns fat for heat and nothing else. Other substances could be used in this process, but it is often fat that is used. The relevant process is referred to as thermogenesis and since the only product is heat it becomes an important factor for those that want to lose fat.

Several weight loss supplements target the liver and the thermogenesis but if you have free fatty acids in your circulation the liver will use those as fuel.

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