I know what you're thinking...No more of this new age psychobabble! Hear me out here please. For those who don't know, affirmations are positive statements that you create and write down that affirm something in your mind. Affirmations work best when your mind is completely relaxed such as first thing in the morning when you wake up and last thing at night before you enter sleep. At this time your mind is most receptive. If you're someone who meditates then you can use them during this time too.
You want affirmations that are highlighting a positive behavior such as "I am eating only healthy foods that nourish my body". It's important to affirm the positive rather than the negative for example "I don't want to be fat anymore", becomes "Every day I am getting slimmer and healthier". When you're reading your affirmation it should be believable to you. If you feel any resistance when reading it, then you should re-write it until you're fully comfortable with saying it.
It's important also to really "feel" what you're affirming to yourself in a deeper more meaningful way rather than just repeating the words. Remember that you want the affirmation to take root in your mind. Just repeating the words will have no effect whatsoever, they have to come from your heart, even if the words don't feel quite real yet. If you deliver your affirmations often enough, they will begin to feel real. That's weight loss secret #2.
In just a few minutes a day you can neutralize the effects of negative thinking and replace them with a more soothing, encouraging and optimistic way of thinking and feeling that will make your weight loss efforts more successful.
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